All canteens in NSW public schools must meet certain requirements. These include providing more healthy food and drink options – to make the healthy choice an easy choice for students. Visit Healthy school canteens to learn more.
Fresh 'n' Fun
Vicky from Fresh 'n' Fun Canteen is very excited to be operating the canteen at Port Kembla Public School. The canteen will be operating on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday only. Online Orders are encouraged, but orders can be handed in at the drop box at the canteen. There will be service at the counter for recess, play break and lunch. Prices start from $1 so please send along money with your child.
Please support the canteen that supports your school!
Canteen menu
Online ordering
Our school offers canteen online ordering through QuickCliq. We have introduced QuickCliq for your convenience and it will be your choice whether you decide to take advantage of it.
Please find attached instructions on registering, adding credit and placing orders. Quickcliq instructions
Some points to remember are:
Once registering you will receive a link via email where you will need to ACTIVATE your account before logging in.
Orders can be placed up to 28 days in advance.
Orders must be submitted by 9am each morning. The system does not allow for late orders.
The system does not allow for you to place weekly orders. You will need to place each days order separately.
Each order you place will attract a 25c surcharge charged by QuickCliq.
When ordering the default is on lunch break. If you would like to order for recess or playbreak you will need to click on those breaks.
Please note if you would still like to pay by cash you can by sending in your child’s lunch order in a paper lunch bag (big enough for their lunch to go inside), with their name, class, order and money inside.
There is a Call Centre to assist you with ordering online Call 1300 116 637